Sunday 26 August 2012

Dubai PRO Services - Procedure for obtaining a Maid Labour card in Dubai

You will have to apply for a residence permit and medical fitness report within 30 days of arrival of your maid into Dubai. Make a stopover to DNRD counter and pay the authorized typist seeking an urgent (urgent visa forms may require a refundable deposit) or non-urgent form.

Following stamping on the employment entry permit, your maid will have to go through a medical test (see procedure below). The waiting time for this could vary from 24 to 36 hours for most government hospitals. The medical test results can be taken to the typist, with the required fee to apply for residence visa.

Now submit the stamped employment permit, medical report, maid’s original passports, sponsor’s passport copy, and salary certificate to the residency section plus copy of Emirates ID Application form with the official stamp of the biometric (Finger Print). You will have to declare to the officer the salary that you intend to pay to the maid. It is better to take your maid with you to save time. You will be handed over four printouts of the unified contract, to be signed by you (sponsor) and your maid. The copies can be re-submitted to the officer, who will counter-sign and come back two copies back to you. Among the two copies handed over to you, one is destined for sponsor and another for maid. A residence stamp with one-year validity will be placed in your maid’s passport.

You can collect the labour card within 24 hours. If you had opted for an urgent visa, you can collect your refundable deposit too at the counter.

Procedure for undergoing the medical tests

You will have to take your maid for medical fitness tests in any of the 14 centers allocated for the purpose in Dubai. Visit the website to check out the various locations and contact details.

All new maids will be screened for HIV, Hepatitis B, Pregnancy, Syphilis, TB and Leprosy. The Hepatitis B vaccination is given in 3 doses – one right away, followed by one month and booster after 6 months. Various medical fitness package details are available at the Dubai Health Authority website

The medical fitness results will be sent to DNRD electronically. The sponsor will also be notified through SMS.

Renewal of Maid's visa in Dubai

Renewal of house maid visa will have to be done yearly. Visit an authorized typist and pay the renewal fee (Dh.5100) and obtain the renewal application form.

Visit a government hospital for medical tests, pay requisite fees.

Submit renewal applications, and medical fitness report to any DNRD branch.