Tuesday 28 August 2012

Employer may dismiss the employee without notice in the following cases:

1. If the employee adopts a false identity or nationality or if he submits forged documents or certificates.

2. If the employee is appointed under a probationary period and dismissal occurred during or at the end of said period.

3. If he commits an error causing substantial material loss to the employer provided that the latter advises the labour department of the incident within 48 hours from having knowledge of the same.

4. If the employee violates instructions concerning safety of the place of business provided that such instructions are displayed in writing at conspicuous places and in case of an illiterate employee the latter be informed verbally of the same.

5. If he fails to perform his basic duties under the contract of employment and persists in violating them despite formal investigation with him in this respect and warning him of dismissal if the same is repeated.

6. If he divulges any secrets of the establishment where he is employed.

7. If he is awarded final judgement by the competent court in respect of an offence prejudicing honour, honesty or public morals.

8. If during working hours he is found drunk or under the influence of drug.

9. If in the course of his work he commits an assault on the employer, the manager or any of his colleagues.

10. If he absents himself without lawful excuse for more that twenty intermittent days or for more than seven successive day during one year.

Our Services:Company Formation Offshore Company Formation Freezone Company Formation Visa Assistance Pro Services Paralegal Services Document Clearing Business Consultancy Language Services Employment Visa Transit Visa Maid Visa Visit Visa Abu Dhabi Visa Schengen Visas Company Formation Hospitality Services Trade Services Managed IT Services Outsourcing Services Healthcare Services Logistics services Intellectual Property Offshore Company Formation Financial Services Accounting Services

Dubai Pro Services -Termination of Employment Contract

The employment contract is deemed to be terminated in any of the following cases:-

- In the event of mutual consent by both parties to terminate the contract provided

      that the employee's consent is made in writing.

- On expiry of the period specified in the contract unless the contract is expressly

     or implicitly extended in accordance with the provisions of this Law.

- At the option of either party in unlimited contracts provided that the provisions

     of this Law regarding warnings and acceptable causes for termination of the

     contract without abuse are fully complied with.

Dubai PRO Services - Leaves and working hours

-Daily working hours shall be regulated in a way that no employee shall work over five hours consecutively without break times for rest, food and prayer with a total not less than one hour, provided that such times shall not be counted in working hours. In factories and workshops where work is rotated on night and day shift basis, or in places of business where technical and economic reasons necessitate round the clock work, break times for rest, food and prayer shall be determined by the Minister.

If circumstances of work necessitate that an employee works more than the normal working hours, the extra time shall be considered overtime, for which the employee shall receive a remuneration equal to that corresponding to his normal working hours plus an extra of at least 25 percent of such remuneration. -If circumstance of work necessitate that an employee works overtime between 9.00 p.m and 4.00 a.m., he shall be entitled to normal working hours pay plus an increase equal to at least 50% of such pay.

Actual overtime may not exceed two hours per day unless work in necessary to prevent substantial loss or serious accident or to eliminate or alleviate its effects. -Friday is the normal weekly holiday for all employees except for those on daily wage bases. If the employee is required to work on Friday he shall be granted one day off for rest or be paid the basic pay for normal working hours plus 50% increase at least of such pay. Except for labourers on daily wage an employee may not work on more than two Fridays successively. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the following categories:-

1. Persons holding responsible senior posts in the management or supervision if holders of such titles are vested with the authorities or employers over employees, and such category is to be determined by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.

2. Ship crews and sea men who work under special service conditions due to the nature of their work, excluding Sea Port workers who are engaged in loading and off-loading and related works. A Notice Board showing the weekly closing day, working hours and rest times for all categories of employees must be fixed at conspicuous place on the main gate used as entrance by employees and in the premises of work and a copy of the notice should be submitted to the competent Labour Department.

If the weekly closure system is not applied by the place of business, a notice showing the weekly rest day for each category of employees shall be fixed by the employer at the places referred to in the preceding paragraph.

Our Services:Company Formation|Offshore Incorporation|Freezone Incorporation|Visa Assistance|Pro Services|Paralegal Services|Document Clearing|Business Consultancy|Language Services|Employment Visa|Transit Visa|Maid Visa|Visit Visa|Abu Dhabi Visa|Schengen Visas|Consulting Company|Hospitality Services|Trade Services|Managed IT Services|Outsourcing Services|Healthcare Services|Logistics services|Intellectual Property|Offshore Services|Financial Services|Accounting Services

Dubai PRO Services- Working Hours and Leaves

The maximum normal working hours for adult employees shall be eight hours per day

or forty eight hours per week. However, working hours for the employees of

commercial establishments, hotels, restaurants, watchmen and similar operations may

be increased to nine hours per day as determined by the Minister of Labour.

Likewise, working hours per day in respect of hazardous work or work detrimental to health,

May be decreased by decision of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs. During the

month of Ramadan, normal working hours shall be reduced by two hours.

Time spent by the employee in transport form his residence to the place of work shall

not be included in the working hours.

Dubai PRO Services - Dubai Employment limited contract

Dubai PRO Services - Dubai Employment limited contract

An employment contract may either be for a limited or an unlimited period. If it is for a

limited period, such period shall not exceed four years and the contract may with mutual

agreement be renewed one or more times for similar or shorter period/periods.

In the event of renewal of the contract the new period/periods are deemed to be an

extension of the original period and shall be added thereto in calculation of the

employee's total period of service.

Dubai PRO Services - Dubai Employment unlimited contract

An employment contract is considered a contract for an unlimited period effective from

the day of its commencement in any of the following cases:-

1. If it is not concluded in writing.

2. If it is made for an unlimited period.

3. If it is made in writing for a limited period and continues to be applied by both

     parties after lapse of its period without a written agreement between them.

4. If it is concluded for the performance of a specific job for which no period is fixed,

    or if the job by its nature calls for renewal, and has remained in force despite the

    completion of work agreed to.

Dubai PRO Services - Dubai probationary period for an Employment Visa

The employee may be appointed for a probationary period not to exceed six months,

and the employer may terminate the services of the employee during this period without

giving a notice or end of service remuneration.

Appointment of the employee on probation basis in the service of one particular

employer may not be made more than once. However if the employee passed the

probationary period satisfactorily, andremained in service, such period of service

shall be computed in the period of his service.

Dubai PRO Services - Maternity leave for woman working in Dubai UAE

The right for maternity, a working woman is at liberty for maternity leave with full pay for a period of 45 days including the time before and after delivery, provided that her continuous period of service with the employer should not be less than a year, but if a working woman has not completed the said period, the maternity leave shall be with half pay. A working woman, on the expiry of the maternity leave, may discontinue work without pay for a maximum period of one hundred consecutive or intermittent days if such absence is due to illness which does not enable her to resume work.

Such illness shall be evidenced by a medical certificate issued by a medical authority attested by the competent health authority or endorsed by such authorities to the effect that the illness resulted from pregnancy or delivery. Leave provided for in the preceding two paragraphs shall not be computed as part of other leaves. In addition to any prescribed rest period, a working woman nursing her child shall, during the eighteen months following the date of delivery, be entitled to two additional breaks each day for this purpose, neither of which shall exceed half an hour. These two additional periods shall be considered as working hours and shall not cause any reduction of remuneration. A working woman shall be entitled to the same wage as that of a working man, if she does the same work.

Our Services:Company Formation|Offshore Company Formation|Freezone Company Formation|Visa Assistance|Pro Services|Paralegal Services|Document Clearing|Business Consultancy|Language Services|Employment Visa|Transit Visa|Maid Visa|Visit Visa|Abu Dhabi Visa|Schengen Visas|Company Formation|Hospitality Services|Trade Services|IT Services|Outsourcing Services|Healthcare Services|Logistics services|Intellectual Property|Offshore Company Formation|Financial Services|Accounting Services

Dubai PRO Services - Which Law are not applicable to the following categories in the UAE

a) Officials, employees and workers of the Federal Government, Governmental  Departments of the Member Emirates of the State, Officials, employees and  workers of municipalities as well as other officials, employees and workers, working in Federal and local public Departments and organizations, as well as the officials, employees and workers appointed for Governmental Federal and Local Projects.

b) Members of the Armed Forces of Police and Security.

c) Domestic servants working in Private residences and the like.

d) Workers employed in Agriculture or pastures, other than those person  employed in the
agricultural corporations engaged in processing their products or those permanently engaged in operating or repairing mechanical machines required for Agriculture.

Monday 27 August 2012

Dubai PRO Services - Benefits of Outsourcing your PRO Services In Dubai UAE

Benefits of Outsourcing your PRO Services to Adam Outsourcing, below is a comparison analysis between outsourcing your PRO and keeping one:

1Money Saving:We guarantee a considerable reduction in cost of your Document Processing and Clearing.
2Time Saving:Enabling you to devote more time to your core wealth creation activities.
3Dedicated Consultant:One point of contact for all services
4Renewal Reminder Service:Our computerized client database system stores all essential information including all renewal dates for your licenses, visas, registrations. We act for you on time and avoid you incurring any penalties.
5Hassle Free Service:All your document processing is hassle free because we pick up and deliver document to your office after clearing from Government Departments of Immigration, Labour, Economic and Municipalities.
6Free Updates:With us your are always up to date with all latest Government initiatives, rules and regulations.
7Growth Partner:As a part of a international conglomerate we always have considerable resources at our disposal. We are able to match resources required to maintain quality of service you expect even when your business is growing at supersonic pace.
8On Time every time:Guaranteed
9Transparent Service:You get detailed breakdown and receipts of all Government charges and expenses

Dubai PRO Services - PRO Services Company In Dubai

We are an ISO certified British owned, Dubai based Business Services Firm established since 2002. The combined experience of our management team is over a hundred years with wide-ranging activities in Europe, Middle East and Asia and a personal entrepreneurial perspective that can be your competitive edge. By working with us, you will quickly discover our ethics of service quality and attention to detail.

Adam Outsource offers competitively priced, quality document clearing service. It specializes in providing outsourced PRO Service solutions to corporate, allowing them to focus on their core revenue generating business. Our dedicated team of PRO’s takes pride in delivering results for most difficult cases. We provide A dedicated account manager, Free regular law updates, Free reminder service, a comprehensive, multi level access, secure, free online HR management tool to reduce your management cost and enhance productivity.

We have a No: of blue chip Co. That we serve as a retainer client on month basis, our scope of work basically involves:-
  • Processing of employment visa and renewal
  • Processing of Employee Labour and immigration cards
  • Processing of investor Visa and renewal
  • Processing of spouse and family visa and renewal
  • Registration of a new Trade License
  • Yearly renewal of Trade License
  • Arranging visit visa and extensions to such visas
  • Attestation of documents
  • Processing of documents from Dubai Municipality
  • Processing of documents from Chamber of Commerce

Other Services which we are offering:

·         Company Formation (Offshore/Free Zones/LLC)
·         Emirates ID registration (Authorized Agent)
·         Corporate document processing & clearing
·         Visa Assistance (Employment/dependant/Mission/Visit/Transit/Ladies work Permit/Schengen)
·         Business Sponsorship
·         IT Solutions
·         Translations
·         Trade License Registration and  Renewals
·         Trade Mark Registration


Dubai PRO Services - Rules for a Dubai Virtual Office set-up

Each Free Zone operates by their own rules and regulations, and accepts tenants that are directly registered with them. In case you wish to switch from one free zone to another, the company will have to terminate the whole process, and will have to restart again with another free zone. Therefore, it would be good to have a clear idea of the business its expansion plans that you intend to do, and as to when it may outgrow the virtual set up. In case, your business activity has been registered as a service based business, you can work with any other company in the UAE (free zone or mainland). As per the law, if you own an E-Office Trading License, you may have to appoint a service agent, wherein 51% of that company will have to be owned by an Emirati. Thereafter you can event import/export goods within the UAE mainland. Usually the free zone would require at least half a page description/ CV/ Co. Profile on the proposed business to check it complies with their respective regulations. While some only offer virtual office set ups for service companies, other offer E-Office Trading Solutions too.

Our Services:Company Formation|Offshore Company Formation|Freezone Company Formation|Visa Assistance|Pro Services|Paralegal Services|Document Clearing|Business Consultancy|Language Services|Employment Visa|Transit Visa|Maid Visa|Visit Visa|Abu Dhabi Visa|Schengen Visas|Company Formation|Hospitality Services|Trade Services|Managed IT Services|Outsourcing Services|Healthcare Services|Logistics services|Intellectual Property|Offshore Company Formation|Financial Services|Accounting Services

Dubai PRO Services - Virtual Office in Dubai

Virtual Office in Dubai Virtual Office is a perception meant for persons or SMEs who wish to keep costs effective solutionIt is intended for those in need of convenience to office space and business services as and when needed. A virtual office set-up is a cost-effective solution for small businesses planning to relocate their business or even for those planning to work from home or to start a new business Virtual Office set up is a negligible set up that provides the investor a business license to legally operate as a business, open a corporate bank account and get a UAE residence visa. Frequently, virtual offices are set up by freelancers with limited financial resources and minimal staff necessities. To put it in short, Virtual office gives you the option of owning a prestigious business address, without investing on traditional office space. Virtual Office comes without physical office space. But, as per the current laws in the UAE, it is mandatory for every business to have a commercial space. The free zones in Dubai that are offering Virtual Office set ups provide business centers with hot desks, wherein, the clients can visit as and when they wish, taking up whatever space is available at that time. In fact, some virtual offices at free zones also provide conference room facilities that can be hired on an hourly basis. In a virtual office set-up, you can work either from your residence, or anywhere else, but, you are not allowed to use home/residential address in your business cards or on your website, as it is against the law.

Our Services:Company Formation|Offshore Company Formation|Freezone Company Formation|Visa Assistance|Pro Services|Paralegal Services|Document Clearing|Business Consultancy|Language Services|Employment Visa|Transit Visa|Maid Visa|Visit Visa|Abu Dhabi Visa|Schengen Visas|Company Formation|Hospitality Services|Trade Services|IT Services|Outsourcing Services|Healthcare Services|Logistics services|Intellectual Property|Offshore Company Formation|Financial Services|Accounting Services

Dubai PRO Services - To obtain a marriage license (for expatriates)

UAE is a Muslim nation, and, if you are a non-Muslim, you may have to plan your marriage in a church, or at your respective embassy. You may have to bring along certain papers such as complete birth certificates, your ten year passports and photocopies, passports and photocopies of witnesses, UAE Medical Fitness Certificate and blood test undertaken at Health Ministry, the final divorce papers and former marriage certificates (in case of divorcees), or death certificate of your previous spouse (in case of a widow/widower).

If you are married in English, you will be given a marriage certificate in English. However, this requires translation into Arabic, by an official translator, to gain validity in the UAE. On receiving both English and Arabic versions of your marriage certificate, you will have to take it for certification by Notary Public at the Dubai Courts.

This certification needs further authentication by Ministry of Justice (MoJ). This MoJ authentication will have to be further authenticated by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). Then, you need to visit your embassy, to obtain the MoFA authentication authenticated for using it in your own country.

Further, if both of you are of different nationalities, you will need to go to both embassies.

Islamic Marriages (in case of non-UAE nationals)
In cases where marriages are being conducted as per Islamic law, a valid UAE residence visa is a must for both bride and groom (in case of non-UAE nationals).

The bride's father or guardian or his attorney, will have to accompany the couple to the Marriage Section of Dubai Court, along with the following documents, as applicable:
  • Two male Muslim witnesses.
  • Passports and copies and identification papers for the guardian and witnesses.
  • Proof of divorce or death certificate of former spouse, if applicable.

In cases where the bride is a Muslim, while her father is non-Muslim, the bride will have to produce a no-objection letter from her embassy in Arabic, attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On paying the requisite fee, along with producing the said documents, a UAE marriage license will be granted. However, to authenticate it for validity in your home country, you will have to take it to the Ministry of Justice, and then to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then to your respective embassy or consulate for authentication.
Islamic Marriages (in case of UAE nationals)
The Shariaáh Law demands that the wedding should be performed in the Marriage Section of Islamic Courts. Both bride and groom should be UAE nationals or should hold a valid UAE residence visa.
Sharia'ah Law emphasizes that the groom should be a Muslim, though bride can be of any religion. In case of any dowry agreements, it should be specified and paid directly to the bride beforehand. Else, a written declaration, confirming about no dowry requirement should be produced. All emirates in the UAE, mandates that the bride’s father be present at the time of wedding, including two additional male Muslim witnesses.

The following documents need to be produced for receiving the UAE Marriage License.

  • Original passport plus photocopies of the couples, apart from identification papers for the bride's father or guardian and witnesses.
  • In cases where the bride’s father is deceased, a Shariaáh Declaration of his death and consent of the bride’s brother or an uncle from the father’s side is required. In cases where there are no male relatives to offer consent, a documentation proving this will have to be produced. In cases where bride’s father cannot be present at the time of ceremony, a letter of consent is required, along with certified copy of his passport, for signature verification.
  • In cases where the bride is a Muslim, and her father or guardian is a non-Muslim, a no objection certificate from the bride’s embassy or consulate is required.
  • In cases where the bride is divorced or widowed, proof is required.

On completion of the ceremony, a UAE Marriage License is granted. This document will have to be taken to the Ministry of Justice for authentication.

Christian Weddings in Dubai

This varies depending on nationality. However, the general procedure of Christian weddings in Dubai is as follows:

Visit your respective embassy to know about the procedure. You will have to carry passports and sign affidavits to say you are not already married and that there is no hindrance in getting married or something similar. You may also need to bring along witnesses. Check if it is possible to get married at your embassy, else, you will have to go to a church.

If you belong to different nationalities, you will need to contact your respective embassies to find out what the correct procedure is. For instance, US citizens may require a pastor to get married (can be organized by contacting one of the churches), while Indian citizens apparently get married at their embassy in Abu Dhabi.

If the marriage takes place in an English speaking church, the marriage certificate will be in English. This will have to be translated into Arabic by a court approved translator, for the marriage to be valid in the UAE.

Thereafter, you will have to submit both documents to the Notary Public Office at Dubai Courts for certification. This may require UAE Residence Visas to be able to do this.

Then visit the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to get the certification authenticated. The next step would be to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) to get the MoJ authentication authenticated. Then you need to get back to your embassy to get the MoFA authentication authenticated.

It is said that more details about the procedures are being explained by priests at St. Mary’s Church in Bur Dubai, during their talk from 8am to 12pm and 4pm to 6pm, except on Fridays and Sundays.

Mixed Religion Weddings in Dubai

In cases where the bridegroom is a Muslim and bride is a non-Muslim, contact the Marriage Section of the Dubai Court. Check for the procedure of Islamic marriages.

But, in cases wherein bride is Muslim and bridegroom is non-Muslim, marriage can be performed in Dubai, provided, the bridegroom converts into a Muslim.

For religions other than Islam or Christianity, contact respective embassies to find out about the best procedure. Christian churches permit only marriages where both bride and bridegroom are Christians.


Dubai PRO Services - Dubai Marriage Law

Dubai Marriage Law Beneath the Sharia Law appropriate in the UAE, marriage is the only legal bond for a man and woman to establish a relationship and have children. Due to the economic boom in UAE, and mainly Dubai, several professionals from across the world have begun to settle down in Dubai, and raise a family, given, all top class facilities, including education and entertainment options that it offers. Islam, marriage is a legal contract between a man and woman, aimed at safeguarding the rights of the couple and their children. The marriage contract needs to be registered in a Sharia court in the UAE, which ensures that the marriage meets legal requirements. Expatriates do get married to Emiratis, and it is allowed in Dubai. However, the rules and procedures vary depending on nationality and/or religion. Usually, a man and woman belonging to the same religion are allowed to marry without difficulty. However, people belonging to different religions may face some problems organizing a wedding. For instance, when a Muslim man and Christian woman wish to get married, a Christian man will have to convert into Islam before marrying a Muslim woman. For non-Muslims, marriage laws that are applicable in their home countries will be applicable. The spouses are required to possess a valid Dubai residence visa. In case one of the spouses is on a visit visa, he/she should undergo a medical examination in Dubai prior to marriage.

Our Services:Company Formation|Offshore Incorporation|Freezone Incorporation|Visa Assistance|Pro Services|Paralegal Services|Document Clearing|Business Consultancy|Language Services|Employment Visa|Transit Visa|Maid Visa|Visit Visa|Abu Dhabi Visa|Schengen Visas|Consulting Company|Hospitality Services|Trade Services|Managed IT Services|Outsourcing Services|Healthcare Services|Logistics services|Intellectual Property|Offshore Services|Financial Services|Accounting Services

Dubai PRO Services - Dubai maid Visa cancellation

Dubai maid Visa cancellation Visit DNRD / Immigration Department and ask for visa cancellation form. You will have to produce a copy of maid’s original passport, apart from one-way ticket fare for the maid to fly back to her home country. Take maid, her passport and labour card, your passport and visa cancellation form to the airport on departure day. Check in maid and obtain a boarding pass. Visit airport immigration counter with maid, boarding pass, labour card, and passport for cancellation of visa. The authorities at the counter will do the necessary cancellation processes to ensure there is no further problem with the visa status. Note: Each country has its own regulations concerning minimum salary, age criteria etc. Therefore, you will have to also check with respective consulate embassy for such details. A housemaid from India / Philippines will have to be older than 30 but less than 60. There will also be differences in recommended minimum salaries from country to country. Therefore, visit the embassy website of the respective country for details.

Our Services:Company Formation|Offshore Incorporation|Freezone Incorporation|Visa Assistance|Pro Services|Paralegal Services|Document Clearing|Business Consultancy|Language Services|Employment Visa|Transit Visa|Maid Visa|Visit Visa|Abu Dhabi Visa|Schengen Visas|Consulting Company|Hospitality Services|Trade Services|Managed IT Services|Outsourcing Services|Healthcare Services|Logistics services|Intellectual Property|Offshore Services|Financial Services|Accounting Services

Sunday 26 August 2012

Dubai PRO Services - Procedure for obtaining a Maid Labour card in Dubai

You will have to apply for a residence permit and medical fitness report within 30 days of arrival of your maid into Dubai. Make a stopover to DNRD counter and pay the authorized typist seeking an urgent (urgent visa forms may require a refundable deposit) or non-urgent form.

Following stamping on the employment entry permit, your maid will have to go through a medical test (see procedure below). The waiting time for this could vary from 24 to 36 hours for most government hospitals. The medical test results can be taken to the typist, with the required fee to apply for residence visa.

Now submit the stamped employment permit, medical report, maid’s original passports, sponsor’s passport copy, and salary certificate to the residency section plus copy of Emirates ID Application form with the official stamp of the biometric (Finger Print). You will have to declare to the officer the salary that you intend to pay to the maid. It is better to take your maid with you to save time. You will be handed over four printouts of the unified contract, to be signed by you (sponsor) and your maid. The copies can be re-submitted to the officer, who will counter-sign and come back two copies back to you. Among the two copies handed over to you, one is destined for sponsor and another for maid. A residence stamp with one-year validity will be placed in your maid’s passport.

You can collect the labour card within 24 hours. If you had opted for an urgent visa, you can collect your refundable deposit too at the counter.

Procedure for undergoing the medical tests

You will have to take your maid for medical fitness tests in any of the 14 centers allocated for the purpose in Dubai. Visit the website http://www.dha.gov.ae/ to check out the various locations and contact details.

All new maids will be screened for HIV, Hepatitis B, Pregnancy, Syphilis, TB and Leprosy. The Hepatitis B vaccination is given in 3 doses – one right away, followed by one month and booster after 6 months. Various medical fitness package details are available at the Dubai Health Authority website http://www.dha.gov.ae/

The medical fitness results will be sent to DNRD electronically. The sponsor will also be notified through SMS.

Renewal of Maid's visa in Dubai

Renewal of house maid visa will have to be done yearly. Visit an authorized typist and pay the renewal fee (Dh.5100) and obtain the renewal application form.

Visit a government hospital for medical tests, pay requisite fees.

Submit renewal applications, and medical fitness report to any DNRD branch.

Dubai PRO Services - Dubai Maid's Visa

Maid's Visa

To sponsor a house maid, you be supposed to hold a UAE Residency Visa (this is different from that of an employment visa or work permit). When you arrive for the initial time in Dubai, you may have to wait for a month before obtaining your hold residency visa. This may, however, be delayed or may vary depending on your corporation.

Arranging for a housemaid sponsorship is a two step course of action. First an entry permit / employment visa will be required for the maid to enter Dubai. Then you need to apply for a residence visa for the maid. The DNRD will issue a residence visa, labour card and labour contract for the maid.

A maid’s visa can be obtained by Head of the Family (frequently the sponsor - male), drawing a minimum salary of Dh.6000 per month or Dh.5000 + accommodation. Maids can only be sponsored from Sri Lanka, India, Philippines, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Indonesia.

Steps for applying for a maid's visa

  • Residence Visa (employment permit to enter country)
  • Medical Check and Health Care (after bringing in the maid)
  • Residence Stamp on Maid's Passport
  • Labour Card

Documents required for Maid Residence Visa:

  • Salary certificate of sponsor in Arabic (in case of government employee) / labour contract of sponsor (for private employees) and accommodation contract.
  • Application form duly filled in from an authorized typing office
  • Sponsor's passport copy
  • Copy of maid's passport
  • Passport photos of the maid
  • Affidavit from embassy / consulate certifying non-relationship if maid is from the same country.

Dubai PRO Services - Sponsoring a house maid/Nanny or Servant in Dubai

The alternative of sponsoring a maid or nanny is open to families living in Dubai, but, bachelors are not entitled to sponsor a maid. Dubai follows certain criteria for sponsorship of a house maid, although this may vary somewhat from one emirate to other in the UAE. You can visit the UAE immigration department for the latest practice. For most recent regulations in Dubai, visit Dubai Naturalization and Residence Department (DNRD), as the rules are subject to alter. When sponsoring a full-time maid in Dubai, you will also have to put up with the airfare to their home country once in two years or yearly. Majority of the maids are from Sri Lanka, India and Philippines. They typically live in. Majority of the family accommodation has 'servants' lodgings. Maids are also available without having to be sponsored by you. Such maids are usually wedded women, sponsored by their husbands. These maids work part-time, and do not live-in. They are compensated on an hourly basis, although, hardly ever, such couples live in servants’ quarters, in return for the part time work for one of them, while the other works full time.

Our Services:Company Formation|Offshore Company Formation|Freezone Company Formation|Visa Assistance|Pro Services|Paralegal Services|Document Clearing|Business Consultancy|Language Services|Employment Visa|Transit Visa|Maid Visa|Visit Visa|Abu Dhabi Visa|Schengen Visas|Company Formation|Hospitality Services|Trade Services|Managed IT Services|Outsourcing Services|Healthcare Services|Logistics services|Intellectual Property|Offshore Company Formation|Financial Services|Accounting Services